What are AIDS and HIV?
AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a condition first reported in the United States in 1981, that has since become a major worldwide epidemic.
AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). By killing or damaging cells of the body's immune system, HIV progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infection.
How is HIV spread?
There are several common ways that HIV can be passed from person to person, including:
- Having unprotected sex with someone who is infected
- Using needles or syrings that have been used by people who are infected
- Receiving infected blood products or transplanted organs (Since 1985, the United States actively tests all donated blood for HIV; therefore, the risk of getting HIV in this way in the United States is now extremely low.)
- Transmission from mother to child – An infected mother may pass the virus to her developing fetus during pregnancy, during birth, or through breastfeeding.
If you have a sexually transmitted disease, you may be at higher risk for getting infected with HIV during sex with an HIV-infected partner.
There is no evidence that HIV is spread by contact with saliva or through casual contact, such as shaking hands or hugging, or the sharing of food utensils, towels and bedding, swimming pools, telephones, or toilet seats. HIV is not spread by biting insects such as mosquitoes or bedbugs.
What is the treatment for HIV/AIDS?
Although when AIDS first appeared there were few treatments, researchers have now developed drugs that can help fight both HIV and the related infections and cancers that come with it. Treatment advances have improved the survival rates and decreased progression of HIV disease in developed countries like the United States, where antiretroviral drugs are available.
Additional treatment information is available from the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases at NIH. The NIH is currently conducting many clinical trials related to HIV/AIDS to test treatments and therapies. These trials are sponsored and co-sponsored by various Institutes, including the NICHD.
The NICHD supports and conducts research related to HIV/AIDS in specific groups of people, including pregnant and non-pregnant women, infants and children, and adolescents and young adults. The information below applies to those groups.
How does HIV/AIDS affect women?
According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), 19.2 million women are living with HIV/AIDS throughout the world. In many countries, the rate of HIV infection in women is rising faster than in any other group.
Worldwide, more than 80 percent of HIV infections are spread by heterosexual sex (vaginal intercourse); women are particularly at risk of contracting HIV through this type of contact. HIV is increasing most dramatically among African American and Hispanic women.
Although most of the signs and symptoms of HIV infection are similar in men and women, some are more specific to females. For example:
- Vaginal yeast infections may be chronic, more severe, and difficult to treat in women with HIV infection than in women who are uninfected.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the female reproductive organs, may also be more frequent and severe in women with HIV infection.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, which cause genital warts, may occur more frequently in HIV-infected women, and can lead to pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix or cancer of the cervix.
How does HIV affect pregnant women and infants?
Women can give HIV to their babies during pregnancy, while giving birth, or through breastfeeding.
But, there are effective ways to prevent the spread of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV:
- Taking anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy—either a drug called zidovudine or AZT alone or in combination with other drugs called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)—a mother can significantly reduce the chances that her baby will get infected with HIV.
- Delivering the baby by cesarean section, and doing so before the mother’s uterine membranes rupture naturally, reduces transmission that may occur during the birth process. Use of anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy and delivery, combined with a cesarean section in women with certain levels of HIV in their blood, can reduce the chance that the baby will be infected to less than 2 percent.
- Avoidance of breastfeeding by an HIV-infected mother. HIV can be spread to babies through the breast milk of mothers infected with the virus. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that, in countries such as the United States, where infant formula is safe and is often available and affordable, HIV-infected women feed their infants commercially available formula instead of breastfeeding.
Approximately one-fourth to one-half of all untreated pregnant women infected with HIV will pass the infection to their babies. HIV infection of newborns is very rare in the United States because women are tested for HIV during pregnancy, and women with HIV infection receive anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy, cesarean delivery if their HIV blood levels are high, and are advised not to breastfeed their infants.
How does HIV affect children and adolescents?
It is estimated that approximately 10,000 children are living with HIV infection in the United States. In the United States, the number of infants born with HIV infection has dramatically decreased from about 2,000 a year to fewer than 200 a year due to identification of HIV infection in pregnant women and use of anti-HIV drugs during pregnancy, cesarean delivery, and avoidance of breastfeeding.
In contrast to the United States, mother-to-child transmission in developing countries remains a major problem; about 700,000 infants are newly infected with HIV each year because most women are not screened for HIV during pregnancy, anti-HIV drugs are not available, and safe alternatives to breastfeeding are not available.
Prior to 1985, when screening of the nation's blood supply for HIV began, some children as well as adults were infected through transfusions with blood or blood products contaminated with HIV, but this is now rare in the United States.
In contrast to the dramatic decrease in mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection, the number of cases of HIV infection in adolescents and young adults continues to increase in the United States. About one-third to one-half of new HIV infections in the United States are among adolescents and young adults.
Most HIV-infected adolescents and young adults are exposed to the virus through unprotected sex; some teens and young adults are also infected through injection drug use. In addition, an increasing number of children who were infected as infants are now surviving to adolescence.
......Natural Approaches To Infertility.......
Infertility is a problem that plagues many couples. There are many options for a couple facing infertility. Some people seek medical help while others look to a more natural approach. Natural approaches to infertility involve methods of changing one’s lifestyle to promote fertility.
Infertility is the inability to conceive a baby or carry a baby to term. It usually requires one year before a couple is said to have problems with fertility. Causes of infertility can be male or female. A majority of couples diagnosed with infertility never do find the underlying cause. Natural approaches to infertility take a look at suspected causes of infertility that are not directly related to male or female problems.
There are many things a couple can do to help with infertility. These approaches are based on studies that have proven certain lifestyle habits, environmental situations and diet can affect the body’s ability to reproduce.
Cigarette smoking has been linked to infertility and infertile couples are advised to stop smoking and avoid cigarette smoke all together. Environmental pesticides and metals that an infertile couple is exposed to have also been linked with infertility. Alcohol use has been shown to alter hormone levels in the body that are linked with infertility.
Couples are advised to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. Another factor linked with infertility is body weight. Someone who is underweight or overweight can have problems with infertility due to the fact that the body’s hormones can be altered due to weight issues.
Couples should look at all the factors in their life and try to live as healthy as possible to increase their chances of conceiving.
Infertility has many different causes. Studies are on-going as to why infertility occurs and how to cure it. Until a completely useable, universal cure is found, most treatments are based upon the couple’s efforts.
----How to Make Your Friend Into Your Girlfriend----
Okay, now that’s out of the way we can continue on with the article. Developing a crush on a friend is a difficult thing but chances are it’s happened to everyone at one point or another. On the one hand it’s the perfect scenario –
you know loads about each other, you’re used to spending lots of time in each others company and you know you like each other. On the other however it couldn’t be more fraught with difficulties, how do you get out of the dreaded ‘friend zone’?
We just mentioned the positive aspects of going from friend to lover so take advantage of those first. Pull out all the stops and be a really good friend, make sure you do lots of fun things together and try to do more of whatever it is that makes her like you.
You basically just want to up the ante as a friend to start with so start treating her like a best friend – the more time you spend with her the more she’ll become attached to you and used to having you around.
Everyone has at some point thought how much easier it would be if their best mate was the opposite sex – so just elevate yourself to that status and it’ll seem temptingly convenient.
You may now also want to up the sweetness factor. So maybe get the odd gift for your crush, nothing massive so as to give yourself away, but rather something small and spontaneous that reminds you of them.
Another sweet thing to do is to text them to let them know if there’s something on TV that they’ll like. If you get it right demonstrating thoughtfulness and a real understanding of what they find interesting then they should be really touched by the gesture.
You should also start calling more, particularly in the evenings and mornings. Now you’re kind of edging over the friendship line and into relationship status and both parties should feel it. If they aren’t interested you should pick up on a reluctance to spend so much time with you, if this is the case then back off and move onto phase two below, at least you haven’t lost face.
If however they start calling you randomly and want to spend more time together it’s time to make your move and ask them out (or less awkward would be to try and pull them in a club).
If your attempts don’t seem to be working then you have a trickier case on your hands and it’s time to pull back in case you start to look needy or desperate. Phase two then, for code red situations, is to now withdraw all your attentions. Become aloof and start flirting with other girls etc.
After so much time spent together your friend should start to miss you and it’s only natural to want what you can’t have. Remember – all’s fair in love and war, and very soon they’ll start pining after you.
You’ve slowly wriggled your way into her psyche, then teased her and flirted with other women until she can’t stand it… ah, young love.
---Vegetables for Diabetes----
A well-balanced diet is very important to stay fit and healthy. The diet should contain adequate amount of vital nutrients to nourish your body. Plenty of vegetables and fruits give you the required nourishment.
Diabetic patients should watch over what they eat in order to keep their blood sugar levels under control. The patients should primarily consume vegetables containing anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins that are vital for the body. It is better to avoid those vegetables containing excess of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
In that case, four to five serving of vegetables would also not harm the body. Vegetables can be eaten in both raw as well as cooked form. They can be baked, grilled or micro-waved. You can add variety to it by making delicious salads with various sauces.
Vegetables give the required fiber content to the human body. They promote the health and help you to prevent many diseases. Vegetables reduce the risk of getting affected by chronic disorders, stroke, coronary heart diseases and cancers in the lungs and digestive tract.
Vegetables also increase the mineral density in the bones and lower the bone reabsorption levels. Vegetables which are rich in carotenoid decrease the occurrence and severity of vision disorders and loss like cataract due to exposure to UV light for long periods of time.
Ground Nut is one of the vegetables that keep the glucose level under control in addition to monitoring the level of vascular complication. It is also a great remedy to malnutrition. Extract of water from the Bengal Gram is a good remedy for diabetic patients to achieve a desirable glucose level.
Bitter Gourd is rich in iron, Vitamin C, B1 & B2 is good for undernourished patients as it develops a strong resistance to various infections. Garlic and onions also help reduce the high blood sugar levels. You should also eat green leafy vegetables that contain manganese, which is an important ingredient to maintain healthy insulin levels.
Fenugreek leaves, celery, amaranth, cabbage, cauliflower, mint, kale, lettuce, ash gourd, turnip, radish, eggplant, spinach, French beans, drumstick, cucumber, lady’s finger, pumpkin, ridge gourd, onion stalk and snake gourd are other beneficial vegetables for diabetic patients.
People with high sugar levels can also enjoy a variety of non-starchy vegetables like green beans, parengo, puha, kamo-kamo and broccoli.
High fibre diet is digested very slowly, and hence the blood sugar levels also rise slowly. Whole grains, oat meal, raisin, oranges, zucchini helps to reduce the insulin levels by about 25% which is very beneficial for the body.
Diabetic patients should avoid highly starchy vegetables and root vegetables like beetroot, tapioca, carrot, yam, potato and sweet potato. They should also eat very limited amount of colocasia, corn, green plantain, taro, double beans, kumara, breadfruit, tender jackfruit, artichoke, cluster beans, cassava and broad beans.
This is because the carbohydrate content is very high and the blood sugar levels may increase to a very high level.
In addition to controlling the diet, it is very important to avoid smoking, as the benefits of these nutrients become very less in the case of people who smoke.
---A Must To Curtail The Bad Effects Of Diabetes-----
You can expect co-operation from this disease provided you show some positive signs of awareness about the damaging consequences of neglecting it.
To talk about the Type II diabetes, it is now fairly sure that 9 out of the ten cases can be controlled and cured, provided dietary precautions are taken, and you do regular exercises.
Judge what is suitable for your health, by self-assessment and by consulting the doctor and stick to the schedule.
I presume you are a non-smoker and are taking effective steps to control your weight. The body has a foolproof and intricate mechanism to control the glucose levels in the bloodstream.
It should not be too low or too high. What you eat is assimilated by the body priority-wise. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and rapidly absorbed in to the bloodstream.
The reason for diabetes is the inability of the body to make enough insulin or utilize properly the insulin that it produces.
When the insulin-making cells are permanently disabled, the result is the incurable type I diabetes. In both the types of diabetes, nutrition plays a very important role. You may be able to maintain your body and check the advancement of the disease, by proper diet.
The factors that contribute to diabetes type II, are the very same old factors that do the damage in most of the serious types of ailments that affect the human body. They are being overweight, having improper diet, doing no exercising, and indulging in smoking and alcohol! Give adequate activity to your muscles.
They are designed for hard work. Activities improve their ability to use insulin and absorb glucose. The insulin making cells get some intermission and function effectively. It is not that you require tough exercises.
Light exercises done with discipline and regularity, will help you a lot.
Make whole grain and whole grain products, sprouted cereals a regular part of your diet. Carbohydrates that are not easily digested, will not help your cause.
All this apart, take care of yourself so that you do not suffer from any other diseases, small or big, because they may worsen your diabetes condition. All negative tendencies such as stress, anger and oversleeping need to be given up. Take it, this is part of the diabetes nutrition!
Oily Skin Remedies--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oily skin is a cause of embarrassment for many, as the skin look dull and greasy. This is due to the overactive sebaceous glands in the skin which produce oil in excess, and this oil is released to the surface of the skin, making it greasy and shiny. In some cases of extremely oily skin, the skin may become coarse with pimples and blemishes. This condition results in coarse skin as the pores get enlarged.
Oily epidermis can be due to various reasons like hormonal shifts, heredity, diet, climate, menstruation, pregnancy, birth control pills, cosmetics, etc. The changes in hormone levels during various stages like adolescence, pregnancy and menopause can trigger this skin condition. This makes teenagers more vulnerable to have oily skin with acne and blackheads.
Hot weather with high humidity levels is another reason for the skin becoming oily. Oily skin can also be caused by the use of some cosmetics or pills. Oily skin is a condition which can affect both sexes. In men, this is mainly due to the fluctuating levels of the hormone androgen. Oily Skin Care This good news is for all the people who fret over their oily skin condition. Even though you are facing problems with this condition, it can prove to be beneficial in the long run. It has been observed that oily skin ages slowly as compared to other skin types.
The oil released to the surface of the skin helps to retain the moisture level and inhibits the formation of wrinkles, which are among the first signs of ageing. People with this skin condition need some oily skin remedies to tackle the problem. Some cases can be cured by treating the cause. For example, if the condition is due to the diet, a change in the diet can work wonders. If it is due to the use of some cosmetics or birth control pills, you can stop using such products. While some of the causes can be treated, others have to be controlled, as you have to live with it. The following are some tips which can help you with skin care for oily skin.
If you have oily skin, you should refrain from using those skin care products, which can make your skin feel taut. Such cosmetics lead to the shrinkage of the upper skin layer and clogging of the pores.
Cleansing is very important for oily skin in order to prevent the clogging of pores. It is best to cleanse the skin with lukewarm water and soap, but avoid any harsh products which can make the skin flaky by ripping off oil. It is always better to use oil-based products and oil-free moisturizers. Moisturizers are not necessary for oily skin, but those who are above the age of 30 can use it sparingly around the mouth, eyes and neck.
People with oily skin should not use heavy cleansing creams. Choose a soap that does not contain any artificial additives. It is a common misconception that washing the face several times a day is good for oily skin. This is not true, as frequent washing may trigger the production of more oil.
It is suggested by beauty experts that people with oily skin must go for those beauty products which are specially made for such skin type. It will be beneficial to use an antiseptic day cream (before applying make-up) with benzyl peroxide as an active ingredient in order to minimize the secretions by the sebaceous glands.
In case of scaly oily skin, you can use a deep-cleaning exfoliant on alternate nights. But don't forget to apply a small amount of moisturizer after the exfoliation.A good skin care regimen is essential to maintain the appearance of an oily skin. You can use tissues to wipe the face frequently, as tissues can absorb excess oil on the skin. But keep your hands and hair off your face.
While all these body care tips can help you in tackling the condition, you can also resort to some natural remedies for oily skin. Natural Oily Skin Remedies Some people prefer natural remedies for oily skin rather than the commercial beauty products, Oily skin natural remedies are more sought after by people whose skin is oily and at the same time sensitive too. In such cases, artificial products for oily skin may lead to skin problems, which can be avoided by using some natural oily skin remedies. Natural products for oily skin include many household items which are easily available. You can also try these home remedies for oily skin.
Mix equal amounts of apple juice and lime juice. Apply this mixture on the skin and rinse off after 15 to 20 minutes with cold water.
Clay masks are always recommended for those with oily skin. Take a teaspoon of green clay powder in a bowl and add one teaspoon of honey. Mix them well to make a smooth paste, which has to be applied on the face. Rinse off the mask with cold water after 20 minutes. Another effective clay mask can be made by mixing multani mitti and honey. Clay masks can be used twice a week for good results.
Make a solution of equal parts of water and lemon juice, and apply it on the face. Use warm water to rinse off the solution and then wash the face with cold water. This can be done once or twice a day.
Aloe vera gel is touted to be good for oily skin conditions, as it can absorb oil and thereby prevent clogging of pores. You can dab a small amount of aloe vera gel to your skin after washing. You can also mix the aloe vera gel with equal amounts of organic yogurt and crushed strawberries to make a paste, which should be applied on the oily skin. Gently massage the mixture into the skin and leave it for ten minutes, before rinsing with warm water.
You may use tomatoes as an oily skin home remedy. Make some tomato puree and apply it on the face. Rinse off after ten minutes.
Yogurt is also popular as an oily skin home remedy. Use it as such or mix it with fuller's earth to make a paste to be applied on the skin.
Mashed papaya is also good for oily skin. Apply it on the skin and rinse off after 20 minutes.Most of the natural oily skin solutions are found to be effective and without any side effects. But it cannot be said that all natural products are safe, so it is always advisable to avoid using anything which causes skin irritation or any other side effects. Apart from the above said homemade oily skin remedies, there are many vegetables which are claimed to be effective in tackling oily skin.
They include Witch hazel (to be applied on skin to absorb excess oil), burdock root, lavender (lavender water to be dabbed on the skin), horsetail, oat straw, and thyme. Lemon grass, licorice root, and rosebuds are used in oily skin treatment. But you should take herbs only with the consent of your doctor in order to avoid any side effects. Other Oily Skin Solutions It is commonly believed that diet is an important factor in making the skin oily. Even though, this contention is claimed to be wrong by some health experts, switching to a gooddiet can be beneficial for overall health.
So include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, along with green leaves and food items rich in vitamins. Increase the level of water intake and reduce the consumption of fat, oil, sugar, chocolate, salt, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and junk food. Vitamin B2 deficiency may cause oily skin. So include foods with vitamin B2 and B5 like whole grains, beans, nuts, nutritional yeast, wheat germ, etc.
Such an oily skin diet can help you in tackling this skin condition. Even lifestyle changes are recommended for those with oily skin. Refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption for the good health of your skin. Oily skin remedies include engageing in workout too. Regular exercise and good sleep is an indispensable part of skin care. You can adopt a combination of the above said oily skin remedies which suits you best, and tackle this problem.
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